Saturday, April 23, 2005

Whens the bottom gonna fall ?

On Tuesday i sat with my wife and watched T.V in the middle of the day as every network showed the long awaited white smoke rise from the Vatican. My wife being a devout Catholic called for my daughter who was playing over a friends house and made her watch as well. Something struck me as odd at that very moment. The left wing media coverage of all this was as if every reporter has converted to Catholisism. As the final minutes of pope John Pauls life ticked away, The media covered his whole life without any negatives, this is really unheard of. To the media the word Catholic and controversy are interchangable.
So what gives? my wife says their just reporting this way so that all the real stories can come right after. Such as how John Paul had a secret strip club in the basement of the Vatican, or the new pope and the old pope had been sleeping together for years now and the only reason the bishops elected him is because he said he would come clean if they didn't. Perhaps the media is actually realizing that their audience is made up of mostly conservative people that actually believe in god? Nah, can't be. I dont know whats up, I'm just waiting for the bottom to fall out of this one.


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