Friday, May 20, 2005

Where is the dad

The war wages on. Not Star Wars, I'm talking about the stem cell war. There is currently a bill before the house that could allow using tax money for more embryonic stem cell lines, not just the ones previously approved by Bush. This bill would allow federal tax dollars to be spent on researching cells from embryos that would other wise be discarded by fertility clinics.
The temptation here is to say "well....They're going to throw the embryos away anyway, so why not use them for research". There may be some truth to the previous statement. Imagine for a moment that this bill passes. Now fertility clinics can sell embryos to research scientist (given permission by parents of the embryos). Having personal experience with fertility clinics. I understand how the process works. Many eggs are retrieved form the ovaries but not all eggs are used to make embryos due to poor quality, and the minimal statistical value that these low quality eggs present, meaning these eggs may produce embryos, but they will produce what is known as a number 3 quality embryo with a low cell count. If your the owner of a fertility clinic and can sell these low quality embryos (of course permission from the donors is needed), you may be more inclined to produce embryos that have little or no value to the parents, but have great value to researchers. Hence, life will be created for research. Everything I've said here, can already happen, since it is not illegal to do this research. With this bill, you and I will be forced to pay for it, and will increase the embryo market quite considerably.
Check out this story from BBC news.
Notice the picture at the bottom showing you how tailer made cells are made. They show a woman donating an egg, some how it turns to an embrio without any male sperm donar. This is because they forgot that it took both a man and woman to make an embryo (life).


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