Saturday, January 06, 2007

Night Time Bliss

She likes to navigate from one end to the other of our huge rap around sectional leather couch. Josh and Lilly (14 month twins) play on the floor for most of the day with their loads of toys littered about the den, but night time is different. After their last bottle we let them up on the couch. Yeah from time to time one of em takes a dive. The 22 inch drop to the floor usually scares them more than it hurts them. They gotta learn about gravity somehow.
As I daze off into the soft glow of T.V., suddenly two elbows appear on my lap. She crawls over then props her elbows on me, then her head rests on her hands as if she were sitting at a kitchen table. She tells me soft little phrases with all the meaning of an Edgar Alan Poe short. Her voice is a voice of soft song, she has this way of almost singing her little syllabils in the form of a question. Her expression changes as to await my response to her question. Just as I am ready to respond she interupts with more. this time as if to instruct me. She pats me on the chest slow and steady as if to say "Its Ok, everything will be alright". Then scoots away to the corner section and sits against the back. She starts to bounce forward and back using the back cushion to propel her bounce. One time she bounced so hard she went flying right out of her seat, through the air and landed face first on the floor two whole feet from the couch without touching anything. I mean she gets bouncing. The look on her face as if she's on a roller coaster. Then she crawls back to me, elbows back on me. And tells me about her day through little chirps of female baby coo. This time the peacefull story is interupted by a baby boy with a purpose. He just crawls right on top of her to get over her onto my belly, doesn't even hear her crying and complaining. Just uses her face to get one last push with his foot. He crawls right over me with the utmost of ease. Then crawls right up the back of the couch using me as a step ladder (literally). I look back. He is standing on the back of the couch holding onto the top of the lower window frame (window is directly behind couch). He makes his declaration of self satisfaction "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE" in a high pitched baby voice. He sings it out for the whole world to hear "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE"., Like Tarzan after wrestling a gorilla. I hold my hand lightly on his back so he doesn't fall down, but he never needs my support. Its more for me than him. I keep my hand there while I face forward to watch Lilly. Suddenly I feel him go up so that my hand is over his bum rather than his back. How could he go up any more? he is already standing on the back of the couch, but he did. I look back and he has both feet now on the window sill. the sill is not wide enough to support his feet so he turns them a full 90 degrees like a pengin to fit his feet on the window sill and hangs there arms and legs spread. He lets out another yell of satisfactory accomplishment "EEEEEEEEEE". He cries and cries as I pull him down off his mountain of accomplishment.
I read them some Dr Seuss. The only thing that will keep Josh still. I can't help but think to myself how fortunate I am. Sometimes waiting for trajedy to strike in some form so my payment can be made. You must have to pay for this bliss in some form. I miss you Hope, Faith and Seth. I will see you again someday. We shall all be together on one big couch.


Blogger Kendra Lynn said...

Parenting is so bittersweet. I love watching my kids grow and change, but it hurts, too. Someday, not too far in the future, they will be grown, and I'll be sitting back wishing I could do it all over again.


6:27 PM  
Blogger Jim Fisher said...

Your right Kendra, it is bittersweet. Hopefully when they are grown and your wishing you could do it all over again, they will provide you with grandchildren so you can do it all over again.

4:02 PM  

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