Monday, May 17, 2010

I am back to the Republic

I haven't written in about 3 years on this blog. In light of not so recent events and recent events, like so many Americans I have recently been awakened. Awakened to a new calling. That is, how to best serve the Republic. Something is wrong. I know that we have a Republic and I know it needs restoration, but I needed to define what that meant.

What is a Republic? Its not much more that a government with Representitives of the people. That is the most basic definition. Our Republic however, has a bit more to it than that. Our founding fathers having been fresh from the monarchy of the Kings England, did something that had never been done before. they did not just draft a Declaration of Independence, where they wrote all their grievences for setting apart from their mother land. They set out to design a Republic that would address each of those grievences and give no man or sect of men the power to accomplish them. This may sound simple, but given how complex humans can be, it was indeed the greatest accomplishment ever. The Isrealites accomlished it, but they had something that the founders did not. True religious uniformity with a populace that feared their maker above all else. Not that they were not without evil or corruption, they did have an excellent system for justice (which our founders drew from). The Anglo-Saxons had something similar. But our founders were taking the next step in government. A free people that could live under the same system without sharing the same religious beliefs. Our founders understood the perils that would eventually coincide with religious uniformity. Not to mention, they had seen how a uniformed religious state was almost always the governing body itself (Kings were first in the eyes of God and thus derived their authority from him). They set out to create a government that operated completely seperate from religion while borrowing the morality that all religions shared. There were certain constants that were derived from all religions equally. These constants became the foundation rather than the religion itself. It was a nobel idea. One that had never been tried. One that made so much sense, that one could forward the idea as common sense.

In summary, if I had to summarize the American idea, it would be the idea to utilize the constant morality that all religions shared as a basis for law to protect the liberties of its people.

Many people say that if our founding fathers could see us now they would be appalled. I think the fact of the matter is that they would hail a victory that the Republic they created was indeed so robust that it has lasted beyond a hundred years. It is indeed a miracle that we still have Democracy, let alone anything left of a Republic. They all knew how fragile it is, and I think we would actually take them by surprise. the founders knew that a Republic was so delicate, that many expected to outlive it.

So what has happened to our dear Republic over the last 200 years? Well, many things, but one of the most influential that effects the result comes from good o'l Ben Franklin's quote -

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic"

But I think the most important thing that has happened to our Republic is unavoidable. TIME!

We are now many many generations removed from the revolution. Even a few generations removed from the last danger of Fascism. Our last great danger was in the 1940's and those men that saw the face of Fascism are now dying out. The generation now in power having no danger in sight (so they think) are now the greatest danger of all. They are the elitist and self serving we now elect on a regular basis and have no outside fears to contend with. They are now free to impose their ideas on the masses with no fear of interruption from a greater power than their own. And so they follow the footsteps of history to repeat the mistake that has been made over and over. Their intentions should not be doubted. As any of us with strong belief, they believe their doing the right thing. Social Justice sounds like something that should be implemented. They believe this mainly with cause to a great disease they have caught. It is the disease that plagues many politicians and scientists and professors. It is called Elitism. Elitism is the opposite of Democracy. They know you don't want it, but they also know that you are not as intelligent as they are, therefore they are acting on your behalf (whether you want it or not). They are not imposing their ideology on the people who know better. They are giving their ideology to people of less intellectual capability than they have. They view it as necessary to tell you what you really need, not what you think you need. After all, they know better, they are the educated.

The means???? No worry, the end justifies the means. They will use your children. they will defy your constitution. They will use your misfortune. They will use the tools they have, and they are indeed patient.

I have felt like I have been awakened. I have been learning about my founding fathers. I have been learning about true heroism and honor. The forfeiture of personal life for the liberty of a nation. The greatest thinkers of before our time. I used to be so impressed by the thinking of Einstein, that he could manage to imagine a world where time, space and mass were not constant, only now to be rivaled by our founders. Men that truly understood human nature and knew how to create a system to give liberty without self destruction. Einstein never had to fear his ideas, they brought him fame and fortune. The founders ideas were not only far more powerful than the atomic bomb, but personally put them in danger, their families in danger! They not only had to come up with the ideas, but they had to lead a nation through hell to incorporate them.

And so I owe my life and liberty to those men. The very least I can do is make a fleeting attempt at preservation of their (and our) constitution. Until the first amendment no longer applies I will speak out. There are men in power that think they are bringing us social justice. They are in fact bringing a storm of tyranny. They are unwittingly carrying Fascism concealed in the name of distributive equality. I do believe they started out with good intentions, but as the Fascism grows from their seed of socialism, they will not admit their mistake. No, they will finish the job. In that Process they will awaken true Americans. Patriots will soon be teaming. When faced with the loss of liberty, men will do the most heroic acts. Just as any good man would push their offspring from in front of the speeding car and replace the position with their own body, so will free men risk themselves for the future liberties of their children. I for one am awake. Asleep far too long.
I fully understand many are not yet awake. The loss of liberty has not been hard enough felt yet. It needs to get worse before it can get better. The free market is only stressed and not yet collapsed. The liberties only inconvenienced, and not yet removed. But it is coming. Don't believe me? Think its all going to be alright?
Lets follow it together. Tell me I am wrong. I will welcome the news!


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