Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ode to the Code

Although I am a fan of Tom Hanks acting, it looks as if my wife is going to forbid me to see the Da vinci Code. I personally don't have an issue with the movie. My wife's point is that Dan Brown is intentionally creating controversy with alternate theories about Jesus, that he claims to believe is possible just to make a buck. To some degree I have to agree with her. The reason for me is simple. Although I haven't read the book (I personally am not a fiction reader). I know several people that have. The first person I met that read the book was a complete stranger. I was thumbing through the book at a BJ's (local store), and a complete stranger noticed me and could not refrain from insisting that I read it.
"It really makes you think" she said.
"Really makes you think about what" I asked, because at that time I knew very little about it.
"Oh, it will make you reconsider everything you learned about Christianity" She bragged.
She was just so excited about it, she was practically dancing around me as she rambled on and on. One of my wife's relatives also stated how it changed her views about Christianity. I have heard there phrase "really makes you think" from a few people. Not long after the BJ's incident, My wife and I watched a show on the Discovery Channel that basically debunnked the so called "Fact Page" of the book, one by one. They explained why each Fact doesn't support the general theory that Jesus actually married Mary Magdaline and had children, and their descendants now "The Holy Grail". Discovery channel is by no means conservative.
I understand the appeal of the theory. Imagine if you were a liberal Christian and could except the theory. The blood line of Jesus still here! He is just being kept hidden by a secret society. Wow how exciting! Or even better, your not a Christian, then its kinda "ha ha, your savior had sex". Anyone with half a brain knows it is complete garbage. Makes me worry about all the "makes you think" people out there. Why people can't just enjoy the book as fiction, I don't know, But because of all those people that the Da Vinci code makes em think, my wife won't let me see the movie. Thanks a lot!
Actually, I should be thanking you. It appears you may have saved me from wasting 9 bucks. After last nights premier. True Christians have little to worry about. Most critics didn't care for the movie. One even said the movie makes it seem more unlikely than the book. Another said it was long and boring (2 1/2 hours). Another claimed Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou had poor chemistry together. This surprised me to no end. Hollywood being somewhat anti-Christian, I figured they would make this work. Not that the lack of money was responsible, 125 million for Ron Howard to make the film.
Truth of the matter is. I, as a Christian, do not call the Da vinci code theory wrong because I am afraid it would change how Jesus is portrayed. That it goes against biblical account does not make me shake in my boots. I, as Christian, know the truth. It is not the bible that gives me this. It is that I have been given the truth by him. I have had it since I was a boy, perhaps baby? It has been revealed in great moments of clarity. I have squashed this truth at times intentionally and embarrassed of it. I suppressed it and gave myself to open minded naturalism for a time. Your logic may call my intelligence into question. But I know the truth. If you can't see it, it because your not ready. I hope someday you are. Jesus tells me that I will be ridiculed for believing in him. For all of my life I wasn't ready to accept that. Now I think, what a small price to pay. What the heck was I thinking? He put his son on the cross, and I am worried about what the neighbors will think. Oh man, I am so sorry.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Axes to Taxes

The Senate is sending a bill to the president that will finalize Bushes original tax plan. As usual the debate between democrats and republicans runs ramped. This latest bill is really a prevention of tax increases rather than cuts with some exception. Taxes is one of the largest philosophical differences between the two parties. Most democrats argue that this bill, like Bush's other tax breaks only benefit the rich and screw the little guy. Well....I'm the little guy. Since Bush has been elected how has my finances changed? I have three children. Under Bush's new tax laws, I personally, receive a minimum of 3,000 dollars additional each year. Three thousand bucks! I actually got a check for 3,350 dollars back from Uncle Sam this year. Does that help me, the little guy? Damn right it does. I don't know what I would have done without it. I got a lotta mouths to feed and diapers to buy and so on. So I'm tired of hearing these cuts only help the rich. Fact is, every single family in America that has children gets at least 1,000 dollars more than they used to. And this last bill will help 15 million more family's by raising the alternative minimum tax by approx $4,000. What does that mean? Currently if someone makes over $75,000 they can't take any itemized deductions. This was originally intended to keep the rich from taking deductions, but it is so outdated that $75,000 used to mean you were rich. Obviously, that is no longer true. So by raising that number by $4,000, fifteen million more Americans will be able to claim itemized deductions, like medical care and property taxes and so on.
How can we give ourselves tax breaks in these times? We have a deficit to pay off. Education needs better funding and so on and so on. Democrats can't see giving tax breaks when additional funds are needed to accomplish these things. It is so simple. I don't know how the left can argue it, but somehow they keep doing it. Fact is, even with these tax breaks the federal government income has risen every year since the cuts were enacted. When you get back $3,000 dollars what happens to that money? You buy stuff you need. Clothes for the kids, new tires for the car and so on. That money generates additional taxes for the government. It creates jobs. It is such a simple concept, why can't they see it. Yes it is true, the rich will benefit from the tax cuts as well. God forbid we let the rich keep more of their money. The simple concept works with the rich too. If they have more money they will spend more, ....Duh. If it disgusts you that the rich are getting richer, then just hold your breath until you pass out. When the rich get richer so do the middle class. Its a fact. You can cry about it all you want but the trickle down effect is real.
So lower taxes mean more tax revenue. Why not just keep lowering taxes? Well, it's not that simple. Eventually there is a ceiling. Obviously if you kept lowering taxes to .001 percent, the government would go broke. There is an ideal rate that generates the most growth and income for the government. What is that rate? It is unknown and will always fluctuate. But the fact that our taxs cuts have caused the tax income to rise over the last few years, tells us that we are still above that ideal rate. So what's the argument to not lower taxes?
My biggest fear is that if the democrats get back in control of office, I am going to have to give back my 3,000 bucks. Then perhaps the crack whore mother that used to live upstairs from us can go back on welfare. Yeah I know that sounds shallow, but its true. In Mass. If your on welfare you must work once your child is 6 years old and in school. She has a 12 year old, a 6 year old and a new born. You do the math! Entitlements breed the needy. While I was busting my hump to make $7.80 an hour and support my family in my shitty little apartment, I watched as my lanlord refinished her whole apartment because it did not meet the welfare deptmants specs. Meanwhile I couldn't get him to buy me a gallon of paint. while she was out smoking crack all night, her kid would come knocking on my door and ask for something to eat. So I am feeding her kid while she's smoking my taxes. Say what you want about Bush, I am not really one of his biggest fans. But if you think our economy is better served without these cuts, your nuts. Socialism sucks. It spits out laziness, and lays motivation to rest. Allowing one to reap another's reward. Man should share his reward with his fellow man, but under his own accord. Without the guidance of government. Be generous and help your fellow man, but don't yearn for your government to direct how that happens

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Rubber Game

One of the greatest rivalry's in all of sports (the only one I know of that can be seen as a true rivalry), The Boston RedSox vs. The New York Yankees. Game three of the tied series will be played tonight. The rubber game as they say. My beloved Redsox, always the underdog. If you don't follow baseball. I suggest you try to watch and learn about the game. To the outsiders of the sport, it seems a slow game. "Way to boring" some say. To the uneducated on the sport, it may seem a bit like golf. But to those who know what each pitch means. The 3 balls 1 strike count, with "BIG PAPPI" David Ortiz at the plate. You know he has the green light from the manager. They can't walk him because Manny Ramirez is up next. Don't want to have anyone on base when Manny comes up. The most feared one two punch in all of baseball, facing the evil empire. If you don't live in New England and your not a RedSox fan, I am so sorry. Even my wife, who despises all of professional sports, can't help but be a RedSox fan. For those who live in or about Baltimore, I am sorry. For those of you who live in Florida, I am truly sorry. To have never tasted a Fenway Frank at Fenway Park. To have never walked the concourse at Fenway Park on a breezy summers day, with the electricity flowing through the air charging each fan. No park has housed more history. No other park has such faithful fans. Who come year after year. The only park in all of baseball that sells out every single game (literally). Even without our 2004 world series win, they came. Never an empty seat in the house, never! When were losing 10 to 2, they stay, right up until the bottom of the ninth, they stay. Go to Yankee stadium when there down 7 to 2 in the bottom of the sixth, and you can sit anywhere you like. Not the Fenway Faithful. We love self punishment way to much to leave a losing game early. Meet any RedSox fan and they know each player and where their from. What their stats are. How pretty their wife is. You get the point. For 86 years we were the biggest losers in the sport, and the most proud of it. Now anything is possible. If the RedSox can put one under their belt anything is possible. The only thing just as sweet right now is beating the Yankees tonight. Doesn't matter who else we beat throughout the year. Winning tonight puts the yearly standings between us 3 to 1. Just like Darth Vader, Johnny Damon has turned to the dark side, and we need to teach him a lesson. Yes Johnny, George Steinbrenner is your father.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Every Day Heros

I want to thank everyone who donated to team Seth, Hope and Faith. We raised about 455 dollars for the March of Dimes. Danielle (above) even got 30 dollars from her classmates. I'm so proud of her. Over all, this single walk raised 75,000 dollars! And they have these walks all over the country. 1/3 of the money goes to helping family's through a pre-mature birth. Such as medical care, paying for family's to stay away from home when hospitals are far away, and so on. 1/3 of the money goes to research. March of Dimes funded the discovery of the polo vaccine, they also funded the discovery of surfactant (drug that prevents prematue babies lungs capularies from collapsing). This drug alone has saved countless lives. Much much more could be listed. The last 1/3 goes to education to help inform people what to do to prevent premature birth. So I assure all that your hard earned money went to a good cause.
It was windy and a bit nippy, but the sun was out all day. We managed to walk 4 of the 6 miles (sorry no refunds). They fed us well with donated food. Then at the end of the day we bought some raffle tickets for a long list of small prizes donated by local merchants. We ended up winning the grand prize! One night stay at Heritage House hotel, and two 50 dollar gift certificates to their restaurant. We also got 2 free movie passes. So again, Thanks to all of you. People that are willing to take their hard earned money and put a little to a good cause are every day heros!

Joshua and Lillian toughing out the windy day