Friday, April 21, 2006


One of the problems of the Intelligent Design theory from most critics is it can't be a legitimate theory unless it can make a prediction. Evolutionist say that the theory of evolution will predict that all finds in the fossil record will align with some species lineage. Younger fossils will look more similar to todays living creatures while older fossils will look more and more different from what we see today. I cant see any fossil find that would not somehow align with something in that prediction given the number and variety of species known.Since many of us I.D.ers believe in a so called micro evolution, this only complicates the issue. I will dare make what I think to be a solid prediction that would only fit the I.D. theory.
As technology advances, we will discover that all parts of all species will serve its origional function or very closely related function. Parts can become vestigial but not serve a pupose other than what it was designed for. All parts must have an origionally designed function. Since all species piece parts are specifically designed to serve a purpose, whenever the enviorment changes in a way that prevents a piece part essencial for survial to accomplish its job. That species will die out in that enviorment.
I am kind of thinking out loud here. And I am probibly not the first to say this . An article from Science AAAS sparked my thinking
This article is not proof of what I am saying. We already know the human brain can be somewhat adaptable, which in a way goes against my prediction. But that can be debated in that I can refrence the whole brain as piece part that was designed to serve one purpose, control all thinking needed to live. the prediction falls in a way that we will never see the brain used digest food. Nor will we ever record that the nose will used to go to the bathroom. Whatever functions all parts serve at present will remain the same or become vestigial.


Blogger Jim Fisher said...

Of course you can argue that these animals were all created as-is, but that is begging the question. If you presume that, then of course nothing can be an adapted function.

That is what I am arguing. The only reason I am leaving room for micro evolution is because I do believe species can change in size shape and color, but not in purpose of components.
Thanx for stopping by myotis.

2:24 PM  

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